Our pricing

Our pricing structure ensures equity across cultural organizations of all sizes. Your base price is adjusted based on annual visitation.


From US$9,750 annually

Unlock a new era of visitor interaction with innovative, adaptable tools for creating a digital companion as unique as your venue.

Progressive Web App (PWA)
iOS and Android Native Apps (add-on)
In-house fleet (add-on)
A hand holding an iPhone with the Empower PWA on the interactive map screen.

Event Sync

US$15k for a single license, or $45k annually

Deliver high-fidelity audio to visitors’ headphones with lip-sync precision to visuals on screens, projections, and public displays.

Progressive Web App (PWA)


Experiment with advanced capabilities for heightened engagement with your collections and spaces.

Advanced Wayfinding

Native Apps

In-house Device App

Custom Domain

Customer Success Packages

Optional Customer Success Packages enhance your Pladia experience from implementation to ongoing evaluation.


Includes the following:
Online onboarding
Help Center
Live chat
Online training


Everything in Online, plus:
Account creation
Live Onboarding
Email support
Group training


Everything in Standard, plus:
Bulk data ingestion
Team members invited
Extended onboarding
Phone support
Success check-ins
1:1 team member training

What’s next?

Our customers shape our roadmap, resulting in premium experiences for customers, products, and visitors alike. Browse our roadmap and contribute your ideas for new or improved features.